偏瘫半身不遂 meaning in English
hemiplegy hemiplegia
- Carpal tunnel syndrome , ulna nerve neuritis , etc strokes and some vascular and neurological problem e . g . parkinson s disease , polio , multiple sclerosis , etc
心血管系统病症如中风偏瘫半身不遂呼吸系统病症如气管炎肺炎哮喘支气管扩张等脑部退化病症如柏金逊症手脚活动失控等物理治疗与药物治疗,里应外合,令复原事半功倍。 - If tapeworm larvae live in the brain , they cause increased pressure in the head , headache , nausea , vomiting , unconsciousness , blurred vision , and epilepsy . more severely , they can even cause hemiplegia partial paralysis , paraplegia paralysis of the lower body , aphasia inability to communicate and mental problems . if they live in the eyes , vision is affected , very often the movement of worms can be seen , and in severe cases , loss of sight can occur